Archive: 2020

Clojure Goodness: Splitting Strings

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

In Clojure we can use the clojure.string/split function to split a string, based on a regular expression, into a vector with string values. Optionally we can also specify a limit on the maximum number of returned string values we want. If we want to split a string based on the newline characters we can use the function clojure.string/split-lines that returns a vector where each element is a line from the original multi-line string.

The following example shows several usages of the split and split-lines functions:

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Maintain your local AWS environment with Commandeer

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Thomas de Groot

In my previous blog about Running AWS locally with LocalStack I’ve shown you how to use Localstack, a tool to mock your AWS environment on your local machine. When working with Localstack, I always had to prepare the environment for my application to run. Most of the time this could be done automatically via scripts, but some preparations, for instance editing some data in a S3 bucket, could become a little tricky.

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Clojure Goodness: Get Random Item From A Sequence

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

In Clojure we can use the rand-nth function to get a single random element from a sequence. To get multiple items based on random probability for each item we use the function random-sample. We must set the probability that determines for each item if it is in the result or not.

In the following example code we use rand-nth function:

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Clojure Goodness: Replacing Matching Values In String

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

We can search for a value in a string and replace it with another value using the clojure.string/replace function. The first parameter is the original string value that we want to replace parts of. The second parameter can be a string value or regular expression. The last parameter is the replacement value that can be a string value or a function that returns a string value. The function itself gets either a string argument if the match has no nested groups (when match is a regular expression) or a vector with a complete match followed by the nested groups when the match has nested groups.

In the following example we several invocation of the clojure.string/replace function with different arguments:

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Clojure Goodness: Getting Intersections Between Sets

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

In the clojure.set namespace we can find the intersection function. This functions accepts one or more sets as arguments and return a new set with all elements that are present in the sets that are passed as arguments to the intersection function. The argument must be a set, so we need to convert other collection or seq values to a set first before we use it as an argument for the function.

In the following example we use one, two or three arguments for the intersection function and also convert other types to a set to be used as argument:

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Clojure Goodness: Joining Elements in a Collection

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

We can use the join function from the clojure.string namespace to join elements from a collection into a string. We can optionally specify a separator that is used to separate each element in the string output. The separator is not used after the last element of the collection. If we don’t specify a separator the elements are concatenated without separation. The string representation for each element in the collection is used in the joined end result.

In the following example code we see different usages of the join function:

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How to fix a drop of code coverage with a multi module Maven project

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Jacob van Lingen

Adding code coverage to SonarQube is quite easy for any Maven project nowadays. Just add the jacoco-maven-plugin dependency to your pom.xml, add the prepare-agent execution task, and you are good to go. Even for multiple modules this works out of the box. But time goes on and your application grows as well. You start moving code to other modules, and somehow SonarQube no longer seems to pick up the covered code. What the heck is going on?

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Clojure Goodness: Trimming Strings

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

In the clojure.string namespace we can find several useful function for working with strings. If we want to trim a string we can choose for the trim, trial, trimr and trim-newline functions. To trim all characters before a string we must use the triml function. To remove all space characters after a string we use trimr. To remove space characters both before and after a string we can use the trim function. Finally if we only want to remove the newline and/or return characters we use the trim-newline function.

In the following example we use the different trim functions on strings:

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Groovy Goodness: Getting Parts Of A String Enclosed By Strings

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

Groovy 3 adds the takeBetween method to the String class. With this method we can get all the characters that are enclosed by string values. We can specify one enclosed string value and then all text between the the first occurrence of the string and the second occurrence is returned. If multiple parts are enclosed by the string values we can also specify which occurrence we want. If the text is enclosed by different string values we can use a variant of takeBetween that takes two string values to indicate the boundaries of the text we want. Also with two different enclosed string values we can use an argument to get the n-th occurrence of the string that is found.
Since Groovy 3 we can also use takeBefore and takeAfter to get the string before or after a given string value. All three methods will return an empty string if no text can be found.

In the following example we use the takeBefore, takeAfter and takeBetween methods with different arguments:

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Groovy Goodness: Taking Or Dropping Number Of Characters From A String

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

Groovy adds a lot of methods to the Java String class. For example we can use the take method to get a certain number of characters from the start of a string value. With the drop method we remove a given number of characters from the start of the string. In Groovy 3 we can now also take and drop a certain number of characters from the end of a string using the methods takeRight and dropRight.

In the following example we see how we can use the methods:

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