Archive: 2015

How to write bug free code - State

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Ties van de Ven

A lot of bugs are in some way related to state. So that is what we will be talking about today. We will start off with a quote from Einstein: “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. ” Code should be consistent, calling the same function with the same input should return the same result during the whole life cycle of the object. Insanity and bugs will follow if this rule is violated. This sounds logical, but in practise it is quite easy to violate this principle. The main cause of this, is object state. This state is used in a lot of functions, and can thus affect the behaviour of our program at runtime. This principle can be even be seen in the most basic of examples (imagine the impact on a more complicated class...). Given the following class:

public class Person {
    private String name;
    public String getName() {
        return name;
    public void setName(String name) { = name;

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Grails Goodness: Pass Configuration Values Via Environment Variables

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

Since Grails 3 is based on Spring Boot we can re-use many of the Spring Boot features in our Grails application. For example in a Spring Boot application we can use environment variables to give configuration properties a value. We simply need to follow some naming rules: the name of the configuration property must be in uppercase and dots are replaced with underscores. For example a configuration property feature.enabled is represented by the environment variable FEATURE_ENABLED.

We create the following controller in a Grails 3 application with a message property. The value is set with the @Value annotation of the underlying Spring framework. With this annotation we tell the application to look for an (external) configuration property sample.message and assign it's value to the message property. If it cannot be set via a configuration property the default value is "gr8".

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Grails Goodness: See Information About Plugins

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

In Grails we can use the list-plugins command to get a list of all available plugins. The list returns only the plugins that are available for the Grails version we are using. So if we invoke this command in Grails 3 we get a different list than a Grails 2.x version. To get more detailed information, like website, source code URL and dependency definition we use the plugin-info command.

Let's run the plugin-list command for Grails 3:

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Spocklight: Mocks And Stubs Returning Sequence of Values

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

Creating and working with mocks and stubs in Spock is easy. If we want to interact with our mocks and stubs we have several options to return values. One of the options is the triple right shift operator >>>. With this operator we can define different return values for multiple invocations of the stubbed or mocked method. For example we can use the >>> operator followed by a list of return values ['abc', 'def', 'ghi']. On the first invocation abc is return, the second invocation returns def and the third (and following) invocation(s) return ghi.

In the following specification we have a class under test StringUtil. The class has a dependency on an implementation of the Calculator interface. We mock this interface in our specification. We expect the calculateSize method is invoked 5 times, but we only provide 3 values for the invocations. This means the first time 1 is used, the second time 3 is used and the remaining invocations get the value 4:

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Groovy Goodness: Turn Method Parameters Into Named Map Arguments With IntelliJ IDEA

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

A very useful feature in Groovy is the use of named arguments. Instead of a list of arguments for a method or constructor we can use a Map argument. If the argument is the first in the list of arguments then Groovy allows use to use named arguments when we invoke the method or constructor. This means all key/value arguments are gathered together and assigned to the Map argument. Inside our method or constructor we can then access the Map argument and get the values for the keys. This leads to better readable code and that is very useful. IntelliJ IDEA has a Groovy intention to turn method parameters into a Map parameter for named arguments with a few mouse clicks.

Suppose we have the following source code with a simple method definition, 2 arguments, and the invocation of the method:

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Groovy Goodness: Turn Map Into Class With IntelliJ IDEA

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

IntelliJ IDEA has very good Groovy support. It also provides some intentions especially for the Groovy language. For example we can turn a map definition into a Groovy class definition with a few simple clicks.

The following screenshot shows a simple map declaration with two keys: username and alias. If we use the shortcut for intentions (Alt+Enter on my computer) we can choose the Convert to Class option:

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Spicy Spring: Java System Properties As Configuration Properties With Spring Boot

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

In a previous post we learned that configuration property values can be passed via environment variables. With Spring Boot we can also pass the values using Java system properties. So if we have a property sample.message then we can use -Dsample.message=value to pass a value when we run the application. If we use the Spring Boot Gradle plugin we must reconfigure the bootRun task to pass Java system properties from the command-line.

Let's reuse our sample application from the previous blog post:

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Gradle Goodness: Pass Java System Properties To Java Tasks

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

Gradle is of course a great build tool for Java related projects. If we have tasks in our projects that need to execute a Java application we can use the JavaExec task. When we need to pass Java system properties to the Java application we can set the systemProperties property of the JavaExec task. We can assign a value to the systemProperties property or use the method systemProperties that will add the properties to the existing properties already assigned. Now if we want to define the system properties from the command-line when we run Gradle we must pass along the properties to the task. Therefore we must reconfigure a JavaExec task and assign to the systemProperties property.

In the following build script we reconfigure all JavaExec tasks in the project. We use the systemProperties method and use the value This means any system properties from the command-line are passed on to the JavaExec task.

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Gradle Goodness: Getting More Help For a Task

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

To see which tasks are available for a Gradle project we can invoke the tasks task. With this task all tasks are printed to the console with their description. To get more information about a specific task we can use the Gradle help task with the command-line option --task followed by the task name. Gradle prints out the path, type, description, group and optional options for the task.

Let's run the help task for the wrapper task:

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Spicy Spring: Setting Configuration Properties Via Environment Variables

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

Spring Boot has many options for externalising the configuration of our application. One of the options it to use OS environment variables. We need to follow certain rules to name the environment variable and then Spring Boot will use the value of variable to set a configuration property. The property name must be in uppercase and any dots need to be replaced with underscores. For example the configuration property sample.message is set with the environment variable SAMPLE_MESSAGE. This feature can be useful in a continuous integration environment where we can set environment variables or just when developing locally. The nice thing is that this also works when we use the Spring Boot Gradle plugin. The environment variables are passed on to the Java process that the bootRun task starts.

The following source file is a simple Spring Boot command-line application. The sample.message property can be configured as by Spring. If there is no value set the default value "default" is used.

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Spicy Spring: Report Applied Auto-configuration Spring Boot

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

The auto-configuration feature in Spring Boot adds beans to our application context based on conditions. For example based on the availability of a class on the class path or a environment property beans are enabled or disabled. We must apply the @EnableAutoConfiguration or @SpringBootApplicaiton in our Spring Boot application to make this work. To get an overview of all the configurations that had positive and negative conditional matches in our application we can use the --debug command-line option. This will print out a report to System.out with a complete overview. We can check why a configuration is applied or not.

In the following Gradle build file we add the option --debug to the args property of the bootRun task:

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Groovy Goodness: Defining Public Accessible Constant Fields

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Hubert Klein Ikkink

There is a catch when we define a constant field in Groovy. Rob Fletcher blogged about this in the post Groovy the public keyword a while ago. When we omit the public keyword for a method then the method is still accessible as public method, because Groovy makes the method public when the class is compiled. When we leave out the public keyword for fields Groovy creates a getter and setter method for the field at compile time and turns it into a property that applies to the Java Bean specification. This is also true if the field is static. So if we define a constant value as static final we must keep in mind that Groovy will generate a getter method so the constant value is a read only property according to Java Bean specification.

Let's create a simple class with a constant field DEFAULT, a property message and a message method. We leave out any public keyword:

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